If you have a question about tutoring for your child, contact Ms. Gail to provide guidance and a lesson plan, to help your child enjoy learning and move forward to be more confident and knowledgeable.
A learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading.
Dyslexia occurs in children with normal vision and intelligence. Symptoms include late talking, learning new words slowly, and a delay in learning to read. Most children with dyslexia can succeed in school with tutoring or a specialized education program. Following leading companies helping children and families:
Morgan Stanley, Bill Gates Foundation, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zukerberg, Larry Ellison, Amanicio Ortega, Bernard Arnault, Larry Page, Michael Bloomberg, Mukesh Ambani, Jim Walton, Charles Koch, Alice Walton, Steve Ballmer, Sergy Brin, Amazon, NBC THE GIFT OF DYSLEXIA
MANY FAMOUS PEOPLE HAVE DYSLEXIA; INCLUDING TOM CRUISE, JFK, WALT DISNEY, AND EVEN ALBERT EINSTEIN. VISIT: WWW. TUTORINGBYGAIL.COM Providing tutoring for a child, teen or adult helps them achieve better results with their homework.
www.tutoringbygail.com Call, text or email for online or onsite tutoring! Many parents ask.... "is my child dyslexic?"
Contact Ms. Gail Frances, It may be comforting to know someone is on your side to help before or after a student becomes dyslexic!o I look forward to speaking with you and answering those special questions, there are answers. |